現展主催 展覧会
現展作家 個展等

GENTEN prepare 《WEB Entry》 qualify judging system.

No necessary to send the artworks to NACT,
No entry fee required, at this stage.

We are waiting for your challenge!

《WEB Entry》 Application Period

March 1 (Sat) - April 10 (Thu), 2025
Up to 2 artworks per exhibiter
No entry fee for 《WEB Entry》

Click for entry

About 《WEB Entry》
Before application by real artwork, exhibiters can have qualify judging by WEB data.
Passed artworks have the informal offer by GENTEN, and after real artworks would be carryed-in, it become official winning.
No entry fee required at 《WEB Entry》 stage.
(Application fee required by real artwork application)

How to apply 《WEB Entry》
@ Apply by web page for input exhibiter's data and posting artwork photo data.
Up to 2 artworks per exhibiter will be accxcepted.
Apply 1 artwork per each operation.
A After acceptance, GENTEN send confirmation mail.
B Qualify judging will be held at late April, and result will be send by E-mail to all exhibiters.
C GENTEN send application documents to the passed exhibiters by postal service.
D Carry-in real artwork(s) to NACT with application documents and application fee at the application dates.
E After confirmation about no differece between 《WEB Entry》 data and real artwork, GENTEN will prepare the official winning certificate.
For details shown below.

●WEB Entry Regulation
Up to 2 artworks per exhibiter will be accepted.
Not accept 3rd and more entry by arrival order.
Apply 1 artwork per each operation.
In case of shown below, informal offer for the passed artwork will be invalid.
・No arrival of the real artwork to NACT at the application date.
・No application fee payment.
・Evidential defference bettween 《WEB Entry》 data and real artwork.
・Incomplete description of the application documents.
No frame setting for the 2D artwork.
At the stage of qualify judgement, passed artwork do not allowed to be called succeed.
Application of real artwork, and having official certification require for GENTEN winning.
Failed artwork at 《WEB Entry》 can re-try by real artwork application.
Only public exhibiters can apply 《WEB Entry》.
Associate members of GENTEN are not applicable.

■Artwork Standard 

●Artwork standard
〈2D work〉
painting / printing / illustration / C.G.
Minimum size : 51×33cm
Maximum size : length 400×wide 230cm
Setting in simple frame required
〈3D work〉
sclupture / installation
Maximum size : length /wide 300×200cm height 250cm weight up to 1.5t
〈Craft work〉
2D / 3D
Same size as 2D / 3D
〈Photograph〉 Same size as 2D
Setting in wooden panel or wooden frame required / Glass nor metal frame not allowed
※Wooden panel sample
Genten recommender: Fujifilm Creates

※Not accept following artwork(s)
・Out of specification to the standard shown above
・Already published at the other exhibition at The National Art Center Tokyo (NACT)
・Conflict with NACT regulation

●Exhibition Regulation
Application fee

1-3 artworks \10,000 (flat late)
Up to 4 artworks, add \1000 each.
50% off for 20 years old and under exhibiters.
(Apply more than one categories, another entry sheets & application fee required.)
Cash payment on carrying in, or send the following bank account in advance.
P.O. saving transfer account 00150-7-31624

Application dates

【Self Carry-in】
May 15 (Thu) / May 16(Fri) 2025, 10:30-16:00
The National Art Center Tokyo (NACT) B1 GENTEN Reception
Fill in all the part of "Entry Sheet", "Receipt" etc. and carry in with the artwork(s).
Attach the strip(s) on upper left corner of backside of the artwork(s)

【Transporter Carry-in】
In case of using transporter, ask the company about procedure.
Genten recommender:
Kawabata Shokai

2-16-2 Horikiri, Katsushika, Tokyo / Tel 03-3691-3200
4-33-7 Minami-Hanahata, Adachi, Tokyo / Tel 03-5242-3701
Transporter List:

【Chubu area / Kansai Area Carry-in】
Chubu area (Aichi, Gifu ,Mie), Kansai area (Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama & Shikoku) resident can join with group transportation. Ask the person in charge.
Chubu:Kazunari Higuchi, Chief of Genten Chubu branch
Tel 0572-22-1426

Hisatsugu Kuramoto, Chief of Genten Kansai branch
Tel 090-7104-2683

【International Carry-in】
For application from oversea countries, GENTEN recommend the following program.
Overseas Application Program by Art Cross Co.

Do not send the artwork direct to NACT by parcel delivery service.

Judges whom appointed by GENTEN decide all the applied artworks, and select the awards.
Accepted artworks are displayed at NACT.
Also, judges select the artworks for the Nagoya/Osaka/Kyoto exhibitions.
Result announcement will be sent to the exhibiters by postal service, and post on the GENTEN website.

Award &
Member recomendation

Excellent artists will have some awards & be recommended to the associate member of GENTEN.

Photo book

Generally, all the accepted artworks will be post on the "GENTEN photo book". Full color published, 6 artworks per page, Listing fee \10000, Have 2 books. (In case of unwilling, refusal allowed.)

Collection date 【Self Pick-up】
June 10 (Tue),2025, 10:30-16:00
The National Art Center Tokyo (NACT) B1 GENTEN Reception
Return the artwork(s) in exchange for the receipt.
Non-selected artworks will be returned in the same date.
Selected artwork(s) for the Nagoya/Osaka/Kyoto exhibitions, will be released other date/place. Details will be noticed individually.

【Transporter Pick-up】
Ask the transporter.

Chubu area / Kansai Area Pick-up
Ask the person in charge.
Notes ・Having no responsibility with damage of the artworks, which without frame/protection, nor with hang over surface.
・During the exhibition, taking out of the artworks not allowed, for any reason.
・In case of unexpected disaster, GENTEN have no responsibility with damage nor lost of the artworks.
・Using and posting of photograph of the artworks during the exhibition, are under the management of GENTEN.
・In case of cancellation of the exhibition by unexpected museum closing, GENTEN have no compensation for the application cost.

If any questions, contact to the GENTEN office.
C/O Yasushi Watanabe,
412 Mitsui-no-mori, Karuizawa, Nagano, 389-0111, Japan
TEL. 0267-45-6252  FAX 0267-45-6474


copyright 2008.
All rights researved.